Validators / iban

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Validate an International Bank Account Number (IBAN).

Option Equivalent HTML attribute Type Description
message data-bv-iban-message String The error message
country data-bv-iban-country String A ISO 3166 country code

If the country is not defined, it will be parsed from the IBAN number.

The validator supports the following countries (sorted by the country code in alphabetical order):

No. Country Code Sample IBAN Result
1 Albania AL AL47212110090000000235698741
2 Algeria DZ DZ4000400174401001050486
3 Andorra AD AD1200012030200359100100
4 Angola AO AO06000600000100037131174
5 Austria AT AT611904300234573201
6 Azerbaijan AZ AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944
7 Bahrain BH BH29BMAG1299123456BH00
8 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA BA391290079401028494
9 Belgium BE BE68539007547034
10 Benin BJ BJ11B00610100400271101192591
11 Brazil BR BR9700360305000010009795493P1
12 Bulgaria BG BG80BNBG96611020345678
13 Burkina Faso BF BF1030134020015400945000643
14 Burundi BI BI43201011067444
15 Cameroon CM CM2110003001000500000605306
16 Cape Verde CV CV64000300004547069110176
17 Costa Rica CR CR0515202001026284066
18 Croatia HR HR1210010051863000160
19 Cyprus CY CY17002001280000001200527600
20 Czech Republic CZ CZ6508000000192000145399
21 Denmark DK DK5000400440116243
22 Dominican Republic DO DO28BAGR00000001212453611324
23 Estonia EE EE382200221020145685
24 Faroe Islands FO FO1464600009692713
25 Finland FI FI2112345600000785
26 France FR FR1420041010050500013M02606
27 Guatemala GT GT82TRAJ01020000001210029690
28 Georgia GE GE29NB0000000101904917
29 Germany DE DE89370400440532013000
30 Gibraltar GI GI75NWBK000000007099453
31 Greece GR GR1601101250000000012300695
32 Greenland GL GL8964710001000206
33 Hungary HU HU42117730161111101800000000
34 Iceland IS IS140159260076545510730339
35 Iran IR IR580540105180021273113007
36 Ireland IE IE29AIBK93115212345678
37 Israel IL IL620108000000099999999
38 Italy IT IT60X0542811101000000123456
39 Ivory Coast CI CI05A00060174100178530011852
40 Jordan JO JO94CBJO0010000000000131000302
41 Kazakhstan KZ KZ176010251000042993
42 Kuwait KW KW74NBOK0000000000001000372151
43 Latvia LV LV80BANK0000435195001
44 Lebanon LB LB30099900000001001925579115
45 Liechtenstein LI LI21088100002324013AA
46 Lithuania LT LT121000011101001000
47 Luxembourg LU LU280019400644750000
48 Macedonia MK MK07300000000042425
49 Madagascar MG MG4600005030010101914016056
50 Malta MT MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S
51 Mauritania MR MR1300012000010000002037372
52 Mauritius MU MU17BOMM0101101030300200000MUR
53 Mali ML ML03D00890170001002120000447
54 Moldova MD MD24AG000225100013104168
55 Monaco MC MC5813488000010051108001292
56 Montenegro ME ME25505000012345678951
57 Mozambique MZ MZ59000100000011834194157
58 Netherlands NL NL91ABNA0417164300
59 Norway NO NO9386011117947
60 Pakistan PK PK24SCBL0000001171495101
61 Palestine PS PS92PALS000000000400123456702
62 Poland PL PL27114020040000300201355387
63 Portugal PT PT50000201231234567890154
64 Qatar QA QA58DOHB00001234567890ABCDEFG
65 Romania RO RO49AAAA1B31007593840000
66 San Marino SM SM86U0322509800000000270100
67 Saudi Arabia SA SA0380000000608010167519
68 Senegal SN SN12K00100152000025690007542
69 Serbia RS RS35260005601001611379
70 Slovakia SK SK3112000000198742637541
71 Slovenia SI SI56191000000123438
72 Spain ES ES9121000418450200051332
73 Sweden SE SE3550000000054910000003
74 Switzerland CH CH9300762011623852957
75 Tunisia TN TN5914207207100707129648
76 Turkey TR TR330006100519786457841326
77 United Arab Emirates AE AE260211000000230064016
78 United Kingdom GB GB29NWBK60161331926819
79 Virgin Islands, British VG VG96VPVG0000012345678901


<form id="ibanForm" class="form-horizontal">
    <div class="form-group">
        <label class="col-lg-3 control-label">IBAN</label>
        <div class="col-lg-5">
            <input type="text" class="form-control" name="iban" />
$(document).ready(function() {
        feedbackIcons: {
            valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
            invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',
            validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'
        fields: {
            iban: {
                validators: {
                    iban: {
                        message: 'The value is not valid IBAN'


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