The following document contains the results of Checkstyle.
Rule | Violations | Severity |
0 | Warning |
AvoidStarImport | 0 | Warning |
IllegalImport | 0 | Warning |
RedundantImport | 0 | Warning |
UnusedImports | 0 | Warning |
10 | Warning |
22 | Warning |
5 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
NeedBraces | 6 | Warning |
16 | Warning |
EqualsHashCode | 0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
LocalFinalVariableName | 0 | Warning |
LocalVariableName | 0 | Warning |
4 | Warning |
10 | Warning |
5 | Warning |
16 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
7 | Warning |
Indentation | 475 | Warning |
SimplifyBooleanExpression | 0 | Warning |
SimplifyBooleanReturn | 0 | Warning |
FinalClass | 1 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
MultipleVariableDeclarations | 0 | Warning |
ArrayTypeStyle | 0 | Warning |
TodoComment | 1 | Warning |
UpperEll | 0 | Warning |
MissingSwitchDefault | 0 | Warning |
FallThrough | 0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
ModifierOrder | 8 | Warning |
RedundantModifier | 8 | Warning |
StringLiteralEquality | 0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
0 | Warning |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 20 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 24 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 26 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 27 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 28 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 | 29 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 | 30 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 24 | 31 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 36 | 32 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 36 | 33 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 34 |
Warning | method call child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 35 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 35 |
Warning | method call child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 36 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 36 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 37 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 40 | 38 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 20 not at correct indentation, 36 | 39 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 24 | 48 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 20 | 49 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 52 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 53 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 55 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 56 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 68 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 11 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 16 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 16 |
Warning | Name 'WEBSERVICE_STATUS_ACTIVE' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 16 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 18 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 18 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 18 |
Warning | Name 'WEBSERVICE_STATUS_INACTIVE' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 18 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 21 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 21 |
Warning | Name 'WEBSERVICE_PARAM_TYPE_DELETE_YES' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 21 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 23 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 23 |
Warning | Name 'WEBSERVICE_PARAM_TYPE_DELETE_NO' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 23 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 26 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 26 |
Warning | Name 'PARAM_DEFAULT_PORT_KEY' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 26 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 29 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 29 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.action' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 1 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 35 |
Warning | Name 'WebServiceConfigAction' must match pattern '(^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 44 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 47 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 49 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 51 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 53 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 55 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 57 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 59 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 60 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 61 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 63 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 64 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 65 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 67 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 68 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 70 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 71 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 73 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 73 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 74 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 76 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 77 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 78 |
Warning | for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 79 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 80 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 81 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 82 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 84 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 85 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 86 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 87 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 88 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 90 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 91 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 92 |
Warning | for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 93 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 95 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 96 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 98 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 100 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 101 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 102 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 103 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 104 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 104 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 105 |
Warning | else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 106 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 108 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 109 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 110 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 111 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 112 |
Warning | for at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 113 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 114 |
Warning | if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 115 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 116 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 117 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 118 |
Warning | if at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 123 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 124 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 125 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 126 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 127 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 128 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 130 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 132 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 132 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 133 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 135 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 136 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 137 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 137 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 138 |
Warning | else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 139 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 140 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 143 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 143 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 144 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 146 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 147 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 148 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 149 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 149 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 150 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 151 |
Warning | else rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 152 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 153 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 154 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 157 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 157 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 158 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 159 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 162 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 163 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 165 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 165 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 166 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 167 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 169 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 170 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 171 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 172 |
Warning | if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 173 |
Warning | for at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 174 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 175 |
Warning | if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 176 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 | 177 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 178 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 179 |
Warning | if at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 183 |
Warning | Comment matches to-do format 'TODO:'. | 184 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 | 185 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 | 186 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 | 187 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 56 not at correct indentation, 28 | 188 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 48 not at correct indentation, 24 | 189 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 190 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 191 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 192 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 193 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 194 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 195 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 197 |
Warning | Name 'getBundleBySymbolicName' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 197 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 198 |
Warning | for at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 199 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 200 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 201 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 203 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 204 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 205 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 206 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 208 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 209 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 210 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 212 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 213 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 214 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 216 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 217 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 218 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 220 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 221 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 222 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 224 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 225 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 226 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 228 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 229 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 230 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.action' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 22 |
Warning | Name 'WebServiceConfigParamAction' must match pattern '(^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 31 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 33 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 35 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 36 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 37 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 38 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 40 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 41 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 42 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 44 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 45 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 46 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name '' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 19 |
Warning | Name 'IWebServiceConfigBusiness' must match pattern '(^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 21 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 23 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 23 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 23 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 25 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 25 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 27 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 27 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 27 |
Warning | member def type at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 32 |
Warning | member def type at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 41 |
Warning | member def type at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 44 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 59 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 59 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 65 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 65 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 75 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 75 |
Warning | Name 'startPublishAndTrackWebService' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 75 |
Warning | Expected an @return tag. | 82 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 82 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 82 |
Warning | Unused @param tag for 'expPckNames'. | 87 |
Warning | Expected an @return tag. | 91 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 91 |
Warning | Redundant 'public' modifier. | 91 |
Warning | Expected @param tag for 'expPckNamesString'. | 91 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.businessImpl' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 1 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 34 |
Warning | Name 'WebServiceConfigBusinessImpl' must match pattern '(^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 35 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 38 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 40 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 42 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 44 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 46 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 48 |
Warning | Name 'publishedWebServices' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 48 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 51 |
Warning | Name 'interfacesToListening' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 51 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 53 |
Warning | Name 'tracker' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 53 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 55 |
Warning | Name 'lock' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 55 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 57 |
Warning | Name 'initInterfacesToListening' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 57 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 66 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 73 |
Warning | for at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 74 |
Warning | for child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 75 |
Warning | for rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 76 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 77 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 78 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 80 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 82 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 83 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 84 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 86 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 87 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 88 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 89 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 90 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 91 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 92 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 93 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 95 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 97 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 98 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 100 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 102 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 103 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 104 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 105 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 106 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 107 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 108 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 109 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 110 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 111 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 113 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 115 |
Warning | Name 'startPublishAndTrackWebService' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 115 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 118 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 119 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 120 |
Warning | block rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 121 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 123 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 125 |
Warning | try at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 126 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 127 |
Warning | try rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 128 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 128 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 129 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 130 |
Warning | catch rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 131 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 132 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 133 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 134 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 153 |
Warning | Name 'getActiveWebServiceConfigs' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 153 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 154 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 155 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 157 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 158 |
Warning | Expected an @return tag. | 164 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 164 |
Warning | Expected @param tag for 'config'. | 164 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 165 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 166 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 167 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 168 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 169 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 170 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 183 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 192 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 194 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 195 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 196 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 197 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 200 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 201 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 202 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 204 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 204 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 205 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 206 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 207 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 208 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 209 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 210 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 211 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 212 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 213 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 214 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 215 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 216 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 218 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 219 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 220 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 221 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 222 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 224 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 225 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 226 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 227 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 228 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 229 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 231 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 232 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 233 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 243 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 243 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 244 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 245 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 246 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 247 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 248 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 249 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 250 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 251 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 252 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 253 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 260 |
Warning | Name 'getWebserviceReleaseAddress' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 260 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 261 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 262 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 263 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 268 |
Warning | Name 'initWebServiceAddress' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 268 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 269 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 270 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 271 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 273 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 274 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 275 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 275 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 276 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 277 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 278 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 279 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 280 |
Warning | else rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 281 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 283 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 285 |
Warning | if at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 286 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 287 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 288 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 289 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 290 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 290 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 292 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 293 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 294 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 295 |
Warning | else child at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 296 |
Warning | else rcurly at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 297 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 298 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 299 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 300 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 303 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 305 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 314 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 315 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 318 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 319 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 320 |
Warning | try at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 321 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 322 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 323 |
Warning | try rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 324 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 324 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 325 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 326 |
Warning | catch rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 327 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 327 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 328 |
Warning | if at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 328 |
Warning | try at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 329 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 330 |
Warning | try rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 331 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 331 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 40 not at correct indentation, 20 | 332 |
Warning | catch rcurly at indentation level 32 not at correct indentation, 16 | 333 |
Warning | finally rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 334 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 335 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 341 |
Warning | try at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 342 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 343 |
Warning | try child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 344 |
Warning | try rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 345 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 345 |
Warning | catch child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 346 |
Warning | catch rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 347 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 348 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 349 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 351 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 352 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 353 |
Warning | if at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 354 |
Warning | if child at indentation level 24 not at correct indentation, 12 | 355 |
Warning | if rcurly at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 356 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 357 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 358 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.model' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 19 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 28 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 33 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 38 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 43 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 49 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 54 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 56 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 57 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 58 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 59 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 60 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 61 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 62 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 64 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 65 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 66 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 68 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 69 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 70 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 71 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 73 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 74 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 75 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 77 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 78 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 79 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 80 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 82 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 83 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 84 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 86 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 87 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 88 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 89 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 91 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 92 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 93 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 95 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 96 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 97 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 98 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 100 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 101 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 102 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 104 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 105 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 106 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 107 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 109 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 110 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 111 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.model' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 1 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 11 |
Warning | Name 'WebServiceConfigParam' must match pattern '(^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 13 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 15 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 17 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 19 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 21 |
Warning | member def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 23 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 25 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 26 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 27 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 28 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 29 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 30 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 31 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 33 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 34 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 35 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 37 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 38 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 39 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 40 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 42 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 43 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 44 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 46 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 47 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 48 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 49 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 51 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 52 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 53 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 55 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 56 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 57 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 58 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 60 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 61 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 62 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 64 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 65 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 66 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 67 |
Warning | method def modifier at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 69 |
Warning | method def child at indentation level 16 not at correct indentation, 8 | 70 |
Warning | method def rcurly at indentation level 8 not at correct indentation, 4 | 71 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.utils' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 5 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 67 |
Warning | Class CXFUtil should be declared as final. | 69 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 71 |
Warning | Name 'logger' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 71 |
Warning | 'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions. | 72 |
Warning | Name 'CONFIGURE_CLIENT_SIZE' must match pattern '(^[A-Z0-9_]{0,19}$)'. | 72 |
Warning | Expected an @return tag. | 86 |
Warning | Name 'createJaxWsDynamicClient' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 86 |
Warning | Expected an @return tag. | 98 |
Warning | Name 'createJaxWsDynamicClient' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 98 |
Warning | Name 'getBindingOperationInfo' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 116 |
Warning | Unused @param tag for 'boi'. | 133 |
Warning | Expected @param tag for 'operationInfo'. | 136 |
Warning | Unused @param tag for 'boi'. | 142 |
Warning | Expected @param tag for 'operationInfo'. | 145 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 210 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 226 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 230 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 236 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 244 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 258 |
Warning | Name 'invokeWrappedWebService' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 272 |
Warning | Name 'invokeWrappedWebService' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 287 |
Warning | Name 'invokeWrappedWebService' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 303 |
Warning | 'if' construct must use '{}'s. | 317 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 335 |
Severity | Message | Line |
Warning | Name 'gboat2.cxf.utils' must match pattern '^[a-z]+(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*$'. | 1 |
Warning | Unknown tag 'date'. | 15 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 19 |
Warning | Name 'getXMLGregorianCalendar' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 19 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 25 |
Warning | Name 'getXMLGregorianCalendar' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 25 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 30 |
Warning | Missing a Javadoc comment. | 36 |
Warning | Name 'getXMLGregorianCalendarDate' must match pattern '(^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,19}$)'. | 36 |
Warning | '}' should be alone on a line. | 41 |