
The Linkcheck tool will search the generated site, testing each link it finds. The report presents the status of each link tested.


The following table presents the analysis parameters.

Parameter Value
HTTP redirects activated true
HTTP method used head
Offline false
Pages ignored None
Links ignored None
HTTP errors ignored None
HTTP warning ignored None

The following table presents the summary of all checked documents.

Number Of Documents AnalyzedLinks
Total valid warning error
553 39676 39186 0 490


The following table presents the details of all checked documents.

Documents AnalyzedLinks
Total valid warning error
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error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
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error 404 Not Found
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error 404 Not Found
error 404 Not Found
error 404 Not Found
error 404 Not Found
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error 404 Not Found
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error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
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error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
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error : Read timed out
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error ../index.html: doesn't exist.
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error 404 Not Found
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error org.apache.commons.httpclient.ConnectTimeoutException : The host did not accept the connection within timeout of 2000 ms
error scm:svn: doesn't exist.
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error ../index.html: doesn't exist.
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error ../index.html: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/action/RoleAction.html#148: doesn't exist.
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error ./xref/gboat2/web/business/impl/AuthorityBusinessImpl.html#420: doesn't exist.
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error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/AuthValidateException.html#20: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/AuthValidateException.html#25: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/AuthValidateException.html#30: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/NomalUserValidateException.html#15: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/NomalUserValidateException.html#20: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/NomalUserValidateException.html#25: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/exception/NomalUserValidateException.html#30: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/service/IUserAuthService.html#32: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/service/impl/SessionPrivilegeCheckServiceImpl.html#30: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/service/impl/SessionServiceImpl.html#150: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/service/impl/SessionServiceImpl.html#96: doesn't exist.
error ./xref/gboat2/web/service/impl/SystemOrganServiceImpl.html#39: doesn't exist.
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