View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright By Grandsoft Company Limited.  
3    * 2013-1-5 下午04:02:36
4    */
5   package gboat2.base.core.util;
7   import gboat2.base.core.annotation.FormPage;
8   import gboat2.base.core.annotation.ListPage;
9   import gboat2.base.core.web.BaseActionSupport;
11  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
12  import java.util.Map;
13  import java.util.Set;
14  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
15  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
17  import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.WordUtils;
18  import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ResultPath;
19  import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;
21  import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;
22  import com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.Configuration;
23  import com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.entities.ActionConfig;
25  /**
26   * action class utils
27   * @author tanxw
28   * @since jdk1.6
29   * @date 2013-1-5
30   *  
31   */
33  public abstract class ActionUtil {
35  	public static final String ACTION_EXTENSION = ".do";
37  	/**
38  	 * 计算action的入口url前缀,注意,本前缀不包括namespace
39  	 * @param actionClassName
40  	 * @return
41  	 */
42  	public static String getUriPrefix(String actionClassName) {
43  		StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();
44  		if (actionClassName.indexOf(".") != -1) {
45  			actionClassName = actionClassName.substring(actionClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
46  		}
47  		String pathName = actionClassName.replaceAll("Action$", "");
48  		Pattern regrex = Pattern.compile("[A-Z][a-z]*");
49  		Matcher matcher = regrex.matcher(pathName);
50  		while (matcher.find()) {
51  			if (prefix.length() != 0) {
52  				prefix.append("-");
53  			}
54  			prefix.append(;
55  		}
56  		return prefix.toString();
57  	}
59  	/**
60  	 * 取得指定action的名称空间
61  	 * @param actionClassName
62  	 * @return
63  	 */
64  	public static String getNamespace(String actionClassName) {
65  		Configuration configuration = ActionContext.getContext().getContainer().getInstance(Configuration.class);
66  		Map<String, Map<String, ActionConfig>> allActionConfigs = configuration.getRuntimeConfiguration().getActionConfigs();
67  		if (allActionConfigs != null) {
68  			Set<String> namespaces = allActionConfigs.keySet();
69  			if (null != namespaces) {
70  				for (String namespace : namespaces) {
71  					Map<String, ActionConfig> actions = allActionConfigs.get(namespace);
72  					if (null != actions) {
73  						Set<Map.Entry<String, ActionConfig>> actionConfigs = actions.entrySet();
74  						if (null != actionConfigs) {
75  							for (Map.Entry<String, ActionConfig> actionConfig : actionConfigs) {
76  								//String actionName = actionConfig.getKey();//eg : the actionName of AbcResutAction is "abc-result"
77  								String actionClass = actionConfig.getValue().getClassName();
78  								if (actionClassName.equals(actionClass)) {
79  									return (null == namespace) ? "" : namespace;
80  								}
81  							}
82  						}
83  					}
84  				}
85  			}
86  		}
87  		return ""; // return default namespace
88  	}
90  	/**
91  	 * 取得指定action的默认入口路径
92  	 * @param actionClassName
93  	 * @return
94  	 */
95  	public static String getUri(String actionClassName) {
96  		String namespace = getNamespace(actionClassName);
97  		if (!"".equals(namespace) && !namespace.endsWith("/")) {//if is not default namespace and not end with / , we need add / at the end
98  			namespace += "/";
99  		}
100 		return namespace + getUriPrefix(actionClassName) + ACTION_EXTENSION;
101 	}
103 	/**
104 	 * 取得指定action,method的访问路径
105 	 * @param actionClassName
106 	 * @param methodName
107 	 * @return
108 	 */
109 	public static String getUri(String actionClassName, String methodName) {
110 		String namespace = getNamespace(actionClassName);
111 		if (!"".equals(namespace) && !namespace.endsWith("/")) {
112 			namespace += "/";
113 		}
114 		return namespace + getUriPrefix(actionClassName) + "!" + methodName + ACTION_EXTENSION;
115 	}
117 	/**
118 	 * 获取action的默认ResultPath
119 	 * @param className
120 	 * @return
121 	 */
122 	public static String getDefaultResultPath(String className){
123 		if(className.indexOf(".")!=-1){
124 			className = className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(".")+1);
125 		}
126 		className = className.replaceAll("Action$", "");
127 		return "/content/"+String.valueOf(className.charAt(0)).toLowerCase()+className.substring(1);
128 	}
130 	/**
131 	 * 获取视图文件在bundle内的存放路径,如ExampleAction的路径为"/content/example",参照convention的约定规则
132 	 * @return
133 	 */
134 	public static String getPathPrefix(Class<?> actionClass) {
135 		StringBuffer pathPrefix = new StringBuffer();
136 		if(actionClass.isAnnotationPresent(ResultPath.class)){
137 			ResultPath path = actionClass.getAnnotation(ResultPath.class);
138 			pathPrefix.append(path.value());
139 		}else{
140 			pathPrefix.append("/content/");
141 			String className = actionClass.getName().replace(actionClass.getPackage().getName() + ".", "");
142 			className = className.replaceAll("Action$", "");
143 			pathPrefix.append(String.valueOf(className.charAt(0)).toLowerCase());
144 			pathPrefix.append(className.substring(1));
145 		}
147 		return pathPrefix.toString();
148 	}
150 	/**
151 	 * 获取视图文件在bundle内的存放路径,如ExampleAction的路径为"/content/example",参照convention的约定规则
152 	 * @return
153 	 */
154 	public static String getPathPrefix(String className) {
155 		StringBuffer pathPrefix = new StringBuffer();
157 		pathPrefix.append("/content/");
158 		className = className.replaceAll("Action$", "");
159 		pathPrefix.append(String.valueOf(className.charAt(0)).toLowerCase());
160 		pathPrefix.append(className.substring(1));
162 		return pathPrefix.toString();
163 	}
165 	public static boolean isListPage(String invokeMethod,BaseActionSupport action){
166 		if ("list".equals(invokeMethod))
167 			return true;
169         Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(action.getClass(), invokeMethod);
170         if (method != null)
171             return method.isAnnotationPresent(ListPage.class);
173         // 检查initXXXX方法
174         method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(action.getClass(), getInitMethodName(invokeMethod), new Class[] { Map.class });
175         if (method != null)
176             return method.isAnnotationPresent(ListPage.class);
178 		return false;
179 	}
181 	public static String getInitMethodName(String invokeMethod) {
182 		return  "init" + WordUtils.capitalize(invokeMethod);
183 	}
185 	public static String getPostMethodName(String invokeMethod){
186 		return "post" + WordUtils.capitalize(invokeMethod);
187 	}
189 	public static boolean isFormPage(String invokeMethod,BaseActionSupport action){		
190 		if ("edit".equals(invokeMethod) || "view".equals(invokeMethod)) {
191 			return true;
192 		} else {
193 			Method method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(action.getClass(), invokeMethod);
194 			if (method != null) {
195 				return method.isAnnotationPresent(FormPage.class);
196 			} else {
197 				//检查initXXXX方法
198 				method = ReflectionUtils.findMethod(action.getClass(), ActionUtil.getInitMethodName(invokeMethod));
199 				if (method != null) {
200 					return method.isAnnotationPresent(FormPage.class);
201 				}
202 			}
203 		}
205 		return false;
206 	}
207 }