View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by Glodon
3    * All rights reserved.
4    */
5   package gboat2.base.dao.impl;
7   import gboat2.base.core.annotation.Relation;
8   import gboat2.base.core.annotation.RelationType;
9   import gboat2.base.core.annotation.Relations;
10  import gboat2.base.core.dao.QuerySupport;
11  import gboat2.base.dao.exception.TransientException;
12  import gboat2.base.dao.util.ClassHelper;
13  import gboat2.base.dao.util.GBoatDaoClassLoader;
15  import;
16  import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
17  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
18  import java.lang.reflect.Method;
19  import;
20  import java.util.HashMap;
21  import java.util.LinkedList;
22  import java.util.List;
23  import java.util.Map;
24  import java.util.Map.Entry;
25  import java.util.Set;
26  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
27  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
29  import javax.persistence.Column;
30  import javax.persistence.Entity;
31  import javax.persistence.Table;
32  import javax.persistence.Transient;
34  import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
35  import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
36  import org.slf4j.Logger;
37  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
39  public class GenerateQL {
41  	private static Map<String, String> tableAliases = new HashMap<String, String>();
43  	private static Map<String, String> oracleDateFormats = new HashMap<String, String>();
45  	private static Map<String, String> mysqlDateFormats = new HashMap<String, String>();
47  	private static Map<String, String> operas = new HashMap<String, String>();
49  	private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuerySupport.class);
51  	public static final String PARAM_TOP = "top";// 查询多少条
53  	static {
54  		operas.put("like", "like");// like
55  		operas.put("eq", "=");// 等于
56  		operas.put("lt", "<");// 小于
57  		operas.put("gt", ">");// 大于
58  		operas.put("ne", "<>");// 不等于
59  		operas.put("le", "<=");// 小于等于
60  		operas.put("ge", ">=");// 大于等于
61  		operas.put("null", "is null");// 未空
62  		operas.put("notnull", "is not null");// 非空
63  		operas.put("in", "in");// 包含多值,值需要类型拼装,如字符串为:'v1','v2','v3';数字为:1,2,3
64  		operas.put("notin", "not in");// 不包含多值
65  		operas.put("or", "or");// 多条件或查询,查询值的格式为“value1||value2”,如果为空使用“null”或者“not null”作为空或非空
66  		//key为"_block"时直接传值为[field1]='value1' or [field2]='value2'
67  	}
69  	static {
70  		oracleDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2}$", "YYYY-MM-DD");
71  		oracleDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}$", "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS");
72  		oracleDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}$", "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI");
73  		oracleDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}$", "YYYY-MM-DD HH24");
75  		mysqlDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2}$", "%Y-%m-%d");
76  		mysqlDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}$", "%Y-%m-%d %T");
77  		mysqlDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}\\:[0-9]{1,2}$", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%i");
78  		mysqlDateFormats.put("^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{1,2}\\-[0-9]{1,2} [0-9]{1,2}$", "%Y-%m-%d %H");
79  	}
81  	//sql检索条件过滤关键字
82  	private static String[] patternFilter = { "select", "insert", "delete", "from", "count\\(", "drop", "update", "truncate", "asc\\(", "mid\\(",
83  			"char\\(", "xp_cmdshell", "exec master", "netlocalgroup administrators", "net user", "or", "and", "\\<", "\\>", "\\*", "\\-", "\\?",
84  			"\\,", "\\/", "\\;", "\\*/", "\r\n", "\\'" };
86  	/**
87  	 * 
88  	 * 根据传递的参数生成查询的HQL
89  	 * 
90  	 * @param params 参数 
91  	 * <pre>
92  	 * 参数名支持以下格式: 
93  	 * 1)变量名
94  	 * 直接使用变量名,按照等于操作查询(如果值中包含'%'则使用like操作)
95  	 * 2)变量名_操作符 
96  	 * 操作符为以下之一: like
97  	 * like,对应sql中的'like' 
98  	 * eq 等于,对应sql中的'=' 
99  	 * lt 小于,对应sql中'<' 
100 	 * gt 大于,对应sql中'>' 
101 	 * ne * 不等于,对应sql中的'<>' 
102 	 * le 小于等于,对应sql中的'<=' 
103 	 * ge 大于等于,对应sql中的'>='
104 	 * null 为空,对应sql中的'is null'
105 	 * not null 不为空,对应sql中的'is not null'
106 	 * 参数值中如使用了模糊查询字符'%',系统将自动使用like进行查询(忽略参数名中设置的操作符)
107 	 * </pre>
108 	 * @param dialect 方言
109 	 * @return HQL语句
110 	 */
111 	public String generateHQL(Map<String, Object> params, Dialect dialect) {
112 		Class<?> poClass = getTableClass(params);
114 		String hql = null;
115 		// 检查是否是PO类
116 		if (poClass.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) {
117 			hql = generateHqlFromPO(params, poClass, dialect);
118 		} else {
119 			throw new RuntimeException(poClass.getName() + " isn't assigned with @Entity");
120 		}
122 		return hql;
123 	}
125 	public String generateSQL(Map<String, Object> params, Dialect dialect) {
126 		Class<?> voClass = getTableClass(params);
128 		String hql = null;
129 		// 检查是否是VO类
130 		if (voClass.isAnnotationPresent(Relations.class)) {
131 			hql = generateSqlFromVO(params, voClass, dialect);
132 		} else {
133 			throw new RuntimeException(voClass.getName() + " isn't assigned with @Relations");
134 		}
136 		return hql;
137 	}
139 	public Class<?> getTableClass(Map<String, Object> params) {
140 		Object setted = params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_TABLENAME);
141 		if (setted instanceof java.lang.Class<?>) {
142 			return (Class<?>) setted;
143 		} else if (!(setted instanceof String)) {
144 			throw new RuntimeException("QuerySupport.PARAM_TABLENAME should be setted by type String or type Class");
145 		}
147 		String table = (String) params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_TABLENAME);
149 		if (null == table || "".equals(table)) {
150 			throw new RuntimeException("Table should be setted for Query. use QuerySupport.PARAM_TABLENAME as the key to set the param.");
151 		}
153 		Class<?> clazz = null;
154 		if (table.indexOf(".") == -1) {
155 			throw new RuntimeException("Class name should include the package");
156 		} else {
157 			try {
158 				clazz = GBoatDaoClassLoader.getInstance().loadClass(table);
159 				//clazz = Class.forName(table);
160 			} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
161 				clazz = null;
162 			}
163 		}
164 		if (clazz == null) {
165 			throw new RuntimeException("Class [" + table + "] isn't exist.");
166 		}
168 		return clazz;
169 	}
171 	/**
172 	 * 根据VO来生成sql,VO需要使用Relations和Field注解来申明关系
173 	 * 
174 	 * @param params 参数
175 	 * @param voClass	VO对象
176 	 * @param dialect 方言
177 	 * @return String sql语句
178 	 * @see Relations
179 	 * @see gboat2.base.core.annotation.annotation.Field
180 	 */
181 	private String generateSqlFromVO(Map<String, Object> params, Class<?> voClass, Dialect dialect) {
182 		StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
183 		StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer();
184 		String orderby = (String) params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_ORDERBY);// 需要在清理固定参数之前获取,注意顺序
185 		sql.append("select ");
186 		//是否配置了distinct
187 		if (params.containsKey(QuerySupport.PARAM_DISTINCT)) {
188 			Object dis = params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_DISTINCT);
189 			if (dis instanceof Boolean && (Boolean) dis) {
190 				sql.append(" distinct ");
191 			} else if (dis instanceof String && Boolean.valueOf((String) dis)) {
192 				sql.append(" distinct ");
193 			}
194 		}
195 		if (params.containsKey(QuerySupport.PARAM_TOP)) {
196 			Object top = params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_TOP);
197 			if (top instanceof Integer || (top instanceof String && !"".equals(top.toString()) && top.toString().trim().matches("[0-9]+"))) {
198 				sql.append(" top "+top+" ");
199 			}
200 		}
201 		//检索字段
202 		dealSelectFields(voClass, sql);
203 		sql.append(" from ");
204 		// VO的表关系定义
205 		dealTableRelations(voClass, sql, params);
207 		// 条件参数
208 		List<String> voFields = getFieldsWithParents(voClass);
209 		String key;
210 		String opera, paramValue, operaSymble, paramKeys, fieldClause;
211 		for (Entry<String, Object> entry : params.entrySet()) {
212 			// 查询的字段约定以“_”开头
213 			key = entry.getKey();
214 			if (key.startsWith("_")) {
215 				paramKeys = key.substring(1);
216 			} else {
217 				continue;
218 			}
219 			paramValue = getParamValue(params.get(key));
220 			if (key.endsWith("_null") || key.endsWith("_notnull") || (null != paramValue && !"".equals(paramValue))) {// 如果为空忽略(null、notnull时可以为空)
221 				if (key.equals("_block")) {
222 					if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
223 						whereClause.append(" and ");
224 					}
225 					whereClause.append("(").append(getBlockValue(paramValue, voClass)).append(")");
226 					continue;
227 				}
228 				opera = "=";
229 				if (paramKeys.indexOf("_") != -1) {
230 					operaSymble = paramKeys.substring(paramKeys.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
231 					opera = operas.get(operaSymble);
232 					if (opera == null) {
233 						throw new RuntimeException("invalid opera in '" + key + "'");
234 					}
235 					paramKeys = paramKeys.substring(0, paramKeys.lastIndexOf("_"));
236 				}
238 				//忽略不处理的情形
239 				if (("like".equals(opera) && paramValue.equals(""))
240 						|| (paramValue.indexOf("%") != -1 && (paramValue.equals("%%") || paramValue.equals("%") || paramValue.equals("%null%")))) {
241 					continue;
242 				}
243 				//处理检索 单引号的问题 但未彻底解决多单引号检索问题(会截断sql)待完善
244 				/*	paramValue = checkBadWord(paramValue);
245 					if(paramValue==null || StringUtils.isEmpty(paramValue.trim()))
246 						continue;*/
248 				fieldClause = dealFieldForVo(voFields, voClass, dialect, key, opera, paramValue, paramKeys);
249 				if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldClause)) {
250 					// 多个条件使用"and"连接
251 					if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
252 						whereClause.append(" and ");
253 					}
255 					whereClause.append(fieldClause);
256 				}
257 			}
258 		}
259 		if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
260 			sql.append(" where ").append(whereClause);
261 		}
263 		if (null != orderby && !"".equals(orderby)) {// 排序
264 			dealOrderby(voClass, sql, orderby);
265 		}
267 		return sql.toString();
268 	}
270 	private String dealFieldForVo(List<String> voFields, Class<?> voClass, Dialect dialect, String key, String opera, String paramValue,
271 			String paramKeys) {
272 		StringBuilder fieldClause = new StringBuilder();
273 		String[] splitedKeys = paramKeys.split("#");
274 		String paramKey, field;
275 		if (splitedKeys.length > 1) {
276 			fieldClause.append("(");
277 		}
278 		Field f = null;
279 		for (int i = 0; i < splitedKeys.length; i++) {
280 			if (i > 0) {
281 				fieldClause.append(" or ");
282 			}
283 			paramKey = splitedKeys[i];
285 			if (voFields.contains(paramKey)) {
286 				field = paramKey;
287 				f = ClassHelper.getField(voClass, field);
288 			} else { // 域名错误,检查并自动纠正
289 				field = ClassHelper.getFieldNameIgnoreCase(voClass, paramKey);
290 				if (field != null) {
291 					logger.warn("the filed[" + paramKey + "] should be '" + field + "',it's corrected by system");
292 					f = ClassHelper.getField(voClass, field);
293 				}
294 			}
295 			// 错误的域,跳过不处理
296 			if (f == null) {
297 				logger.warn("invalid field[" + key + "]. it's ignored. please check it.");
298 				return "";
299 			} else {
300 				String columnName = getColumnName(f.getAnnotation(gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field.class), f);
301 				Class<?> fieldType;
302 				if ("like".equals(opera) || paramValue.startsWith("%") || paramValue.endsWith("%")) {
303 					if (paramValue.indexOf("%") == -1) {
304 						paramValue = "%" + paramValue + "%";
305 					}
306 					fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" like '").append(paramValue).append("'");
307 				} else if ("or".equals(opera)) {
308 					String[] values = paramValue.split("\\|\\|");
309 					fieldClause.append("(");
310 					int in = 0;
311 					for (String singal : values) {
312 						if (in++ > 0) {
313 							fieldClause.append(" ").append(opera).append(" ");
314 						}
315 						if ("".equals(singal)) {
316 							fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" is null");
317 						} else if (("null").equalsIgnoreCase(singal) || ("not null").equalsIgnoreCase(singal) || ("notnull").equalsIgnoreCase(singal)) {
318 							fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" is ").append(singal);
319 						} else {
320 							fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" = '").append(singal).append("'");
321 						}
322 					}
323 					fieldClause.append(")");
324 				} else if ("in".equals(opera) || "not in".equals(opera)) {
325 					fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" ").append(opera).append(" (").append(paramValue).append(")");
326 				} else if ("is null".equals(opera) || "is not null".equals(opera)) {
327 					fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" ").append(opera);
328 				} else {
329 					Field fieldObj = ClassHelper.getField(voClass, field);
330 					fieldType = fieldObj.getType();
331 					if (fieldType == java.util.Date.class || fieldType == java.sql.Date.class) {
332 						//日期处理,目前只支持oracle和mysql
333 						Map<?, ?> functions = dialect.getFunctions();
334 						if (functions.containsKey("to_char")) {
335 							fieldClause.append("to_char(").append(columnName).append(",'" + getDateFormatForOracle(paramValue) + "') ");
336 							fieldClause.append(opera).append(" '").append(paramValue).append("'");
337 						} else if (functions.containsKey("date_format")) {
338 							fieldClause.append(columnName).append(opera).append("date_format('").append(paramValue).append(
339 									"','" + getDateFormatForMysql(paramValue) + "')");
340 						}
341 					} else {
342 						fieldClause.append(columnName).append(" ").append(opera).append(" :").append(key);
343 					}
344 				}
345 			}
346 		}
347 		if (splitedKeys.length > 1) {
348 			fieldClause.append(")");
349 		}
350 		return fieldClause.toString();
351 	}
353 	private String getDateFormatForOracle(String value) {
354 		String format = null;
355 		for (Entry<String, String> e : oracleDateFormats.entrySet()) {
356 			if (Pattern.matches(e.getKey(), value)) {
357 				format = e.getValue();
358 				break;
359 			}
360 		}
362 		if (format == null) {
363 			throw new RuntimeException("invalid value format for Date : " + value);
364 		} else {
365 			return format;
366 		}
367 	}
369 	private String getDateFormatForMysql(String value) {
370 		String format = null;
371 		for (Entry<String, String> e : mysqlDateFormats.entrySet()) {
372 			if (Pattern.matches(e.getKey(), value)) {
373 				format = e.getValue();
374 				break;
375 			}
376 		}
378 		if (format == null) {
379 			throw new RuntimeException("invalid value format for Date : " + value);
380 		} else {
381 			return format;
382 		}
383 	}
385 	private List<String> getFieldsWithParents(Class<?> voClass) {
386 		List<String> voFields = ClassHelper.getFieldNames(voClass);
387 		Class<?> superClass = voClass.getSuperclass();
388 		while (!superClass.getSimpleName().equals("Object")) {
389 			voFields.addAll(ClassHelper.getFieldNames(superClass));
390 			superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
391 		}
392 		return voFields;
393 	}
395 	private String getParamValue(Object valueObject) {
396 		String value;
397 		if (valueObject instanceof String) {
398 			value = (String) valueObject;
399 		} else if (valueObject instanceof String[] && ((String[]) valueObject).length == 1) {
400 			value = ((String[]) valueObject)[0];
401 		} else if (valueObject == null) {
402 			value = "";
403 		} else {// 其他类型使用toString
404 			value = valueObject.toString();
405 		}
406 		return value;
407 	}
409 	private void dealSelectFields(Class<?> voClass, StringBuffer sql) {
410 		// VO的field,该处逻辑需要和CommonDAOImpl.conventResultToVO中保持一致
411 		Field[] fields = voClass.getDeclaredFields();
412 		int index = 0;
413 		gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field fieldAnnoted;
414 		List<String> voFieldNames = new LinkedList<String>();//保存vo的域,供父类域时检查,子类已经有的域将覆盖父类的
415 		for (Field fieldOfClass : fields) {
416 			fieldAnnoted = fieldOfClass.getAnnotation(gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field.class);
417 			if (fieldAnnoted != null && fieldAnnoted.query()) {
418 				if (index++ != 0) {
419 					sql.append(",");
420 				}
421 				sql.append(getColumnName(fieldAnnoted, fieldOfClass));
422 				sql.append(" as ").append(fieldOfClass.getName().toLowerCase());
423 			}
424 			voFieldNames.add(fieldOfClass.getName());
425 		}
426 		//判断是否继承非Object类
427 		Class<?> superClass = voClass.getSuperclass();
428 		if (!superClass.getSimpleName().equals("Object")) {
429 			fields = superClass.getDeclaredFields();
430 			String columnName = null;
431 			for (Field fieldOfSuperClass : fields) {
432 				if (!voFieldNames.contains(fieldOfSuperClass.getName())) {
433 					try {
434 						columnName = getColumnName(superClass, fieldOfSuperClass.getName());
435 						if (index++ != 0) {
436 							sql.append(",");
437 						}
438 						sql.append(columnName);
439 						sql.append(" as ").append(fieldOfSuperClass.getName().toLowerCase());
440 					} catch (TransientException e) {
441 						logger.debug(columnName + " is @Transient.");
442 					}
443 				}
444 			}
445 		}
446 	}
448 	private void dealOrderby(Class<?> voClass, StringBuffer sql, String orderby) {
449 		String[] orderItems = orderby.split(",");
450 		StringBuffer convertedOrderby = new StringBuffer();
451 		for (String orderItem : orderItems) {
452 			if (convertedOrderby.length() > 1) {
453 				convertedOrderby.append(",");
454 			}
455 			if (orderItem.indexOf(" ") != -1) {
456 				String[] spliteds = orderItem.split(" ");
457 				for (String splited : spliteds) {
458 					if (splited.equalsIgnoreCase("desc") || splited.equalsIgnoreCase("asc")) {
459 						convertedOrderby.append(" ").append(splited);
460 					} else if (splited.indexOf(".") != -1) {
461 						convertedOrderby.append(convertFieldToDbColumn(splited, voClass));
462 					} else {
463 						convertedOrderby.append(splited);
464 						convertedOrderby.append(" ");
465 					}
466 				}
467 			} else if (orderItem.indexOf(".") != -1) {
468 				convertedOrderby.append(convertFieldToDbColumn(orderItem, voClass));
469 			} else {
470 				convertedOrderby.append(orderItem);
471 			}
472 		}
473 		sql.append(" order by ").append(convertedOrderby);
474 	}
476 	private void dealTableRelations(Class<?> voClass, StringBuffer sql, Map<String,Object> params) {
477 		Annotation[] annots = voClass.getDeclaredAnnotations();
478 		Class<?> base;
479 		for (Annotation annot : annots) {
480 			if (annot.annotationType() == Relations.class) {
481 				Relations relAnnot = (Relations) annot;
482 				Relation[] relations = ((Relations) annot).value();
483 				sql.append(getTableName(relAnnot.base())).append(" ").append(getTableAlias(relAnnot.base()));
484 				for (Relation rel : relations) {
485 					String join = " inner join ";
486 					if (rel.type() == RelationType.LEFT) {
487 						join = " left join ";
488 					} else if (rel.type() == RelationType.RIGHT) {
489 						join = " right join ";
490 					} else if (rel.type() == RelationType.FULL) {
491 						join = " full join ";
492 					}
493 					sql.append(join).append(getTableName(rel.refer())).append(" ").append(getTableAlias(rel.refer())).append(" on ");
494 					// 判断@Relation中是否定义了base,如果没有定义使用@Relations定义的base
495 					if (rel.base() != Relation.DefaultBase.class) {
496 						base = rel.base();
497 					} else {
498 						base = relAnnot.base();
499 					}
500 					if(StringUtils.isEmpty(rel.on())){
501 						String[] baseColumns = rel.baseColumn();
502 						String[] referColumns = rel.referColumn();
503 						if (baseColumns.length != referColumns.length) {
504 							throw new RuntimeException("baseColumns's size should the same with referColumns's size in " + voClass.getName());
505 						} else {
506 							for (int i = 0; i < baseColumns.length; i++) {
507 								if (i > 0) {
508 									sql.append(" and ");
509 								}
510 								sql.append(getColumnName(base, baseColumns[i]));
511 								sql.append("=");
512 								sql.append(getColumnName(rel.refer(), referColumns[i]));
513 							}
514 						}
515 					}else{
516 						sql.append(dealRelationByOn(rel.on(),base,rel.refer(), params));
517 					}
518 				}
519 			}
520 		}
521 	}
523 	private String dealRelationByOn(String on,Class<?> base,Class<?> refer,Map<String,Object> params){
524 		String result = on;
526 		//处理on中定义的字段,字段采用[]括起来,格式可以为“属性名”或“类名.属性名”,不指定类名默认为Relation中refer类
527 		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[[\\w\\.]+\\]");
528 		Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(on);
529 		String matched, fieldName, columnName;
530 		while (matcher.find()) {
531 			matched =;
532 			fieldName = matched.substring(1).substring(0, matched.length() - 2);
533 			if(fieldName.indexOf(".")!=-1){
534 				String[] splited = fieldName.split("\\.");
535 				if(splited[0].equals(base.getSimpleName())){
536 					columnName = getColumnName(base,splited[1]);
537 				}else if(splited[0].equals(refer.getSimpleName())){
538 					columnName = getColumnName(refer,splited[1]);
539 				}else{
540 					throw new RuntimeException("invalid PO["+splited[0]+"] in Relation");
541 				}
542 			}else{
543 				columnName = getColumnName(refer,fieldName);
544 			}
545 			result = result.replace(matched, columnName);
546 		}
547 		pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{\\w+\\}");
548 		matcher = pattern.matcher(on);
549 		String param,value;
550 		while(matcher.find()){
551 			matched =;
552 			param = matched.substring(1,matched.length()-1);
553 			if(params.containsKey(param)){
554 				value = String.valueOf(params.get(param));
555 				result = result.replace(matched, value);
556 			}
557 		}
558 		return result;
559 	}
561 	private Object getBlockValue(String value, Class<?> voClass) {
562 		//解析[]格式
563 		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[\\w+\\]");
564 		Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
565 		String matched, fieldName, columnName;
566 		Field field;
567 		while (matcher.find()) {
568 			matched =;
569 			try {
570 				fieldName = matched.substring(1).substring(0, matched.length() - 2);
571 				try {
572 					field = voClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
573 					gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field referField = field.getAnnotation(gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field.class);
574 					columnName = getColumnName(referField.clazz(), referField.column());
575 				} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
576 					field = voClass.getSuperclass().getDeclaredField(fieldName);
577 					if (field == null) {
578 						throw new RuntimeException("failed to parse " + fieldName + " in block");
579 					}
580 					columnName = getColumnName(voClass.getSuperclass(), fieldName);
581 				}
582 				value = value.replace(matched, columnName);
583 			} catch (SecurityException e) {
584 				throw new RuntimeException("failed to parse " + matched + " in block");
585 			} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
586 				throw new RuntimeException("failed to parse " + matched + " in block");
587 			}
588 		}
589 		return value;
590 	}
592 	/**
593 	 * 将PO的field转换为配置的数据库字段名
594 	 * @param orderbyField 排序field
595 	 * @param voClass vo类
596 	 * @return String
597 	 */
598 	private String convertFieldToDbColumn(String orderbyField, Class<?> voClass) {
599 		String[] splited = orderbyField.split("\\.");
600 		if (splited.length != 2) {
601 			throw new RuntimeException("invalid orderby item : " + orderbyField);
602 		} else {
603 			if (voClass.getName().endsWith(splited[0])) {
604 				try {
605 					Field field = voClass.getDeclaredField(splited[1]);
606 					gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field referField = field.getAnnotation(gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field.class);
607 					return getColumnName(referField.clazz(), referField.column());
608 				} catch (Exception e) {
609 					logger.debug(e.getMessage());
610 				}
611 			} else {
612 				Relations anrs = voClass.getAnnotation(Relations.class);
613 				if (anrs.base().getName().endsWith(splited[0])) {// 基表
614 					return getColumnName(anrs.base(), splited[1]);
615 				} else {
616 					// 关联表
617 					Relation[] rses = anrs.value();
618 					for (Relation rs : rses) {
619 						if (rs.refer().getName().endsWith(splited[0])) {
620 							return getColumnName(rs.refer(), splited[1]);
621 						}
622 					}
623 				}
624 			}
625 			throw new RuntimeException("invalid orderby item : " + orderbyField);
626 		}
627 	}
629 	private String getTableName(Class<?> tableClass) {
630 		Table table = tableClass.getAnnotation(Table.class);
631 		StringBuffer tablename = new StringBuffer();
632 		if (null != table.catalog() && !table.catalog().equals("")) {
633 			tablename.append(table.catalog()).append(".");
634 		}
635 		if (null != table.schema() && !table.schema().equals("")) {
636 			tablename.append(table.schema()).append(".");
637 		}
638 		tablename.append(;
639 		return tablename.toString();
640 	}
642 	private String getColumnName(gboat2.base.core.annotation.Field field, java.lang.reflect.Field fieldOfClass) {
643 		String columnName;
644 		if (field == null) {
645 			columnName = getColumnName(fieldOfClass.getDeclaringClass(), fieldOfClass.getName());
646 			if (null == columnName || columnName.equals("")) {
647 				throw new RuntimeException(fieldOfClass.getName() + " is not setted with @Field,can't used to query.");
648 			}
649 		} else {
650 			Class<?> poClass = field.clazz();
651 			String fieldName = field.column();
652 			if ("".equals(fieldName)) {
653 				fieldName = fieldOfClass.getName();
654 			}
656 			columnName = getColumnName(poClass, fieldName);
657 		}
658 		return columnName;
659 	}
661 	private String getColumnName(Class<?> poClass, String fieldName) {
662 		String dbColumn = null;
663 		boolean isTransient = false;
664 		// 检查get方法是否配置了@Column
665 		try {
666 			String getMethodName = "get" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1);
667 			Method getMethod = poClass.getMethod(getMethodName, new Class<?>[] {});
668 			if (getMethod != null && getMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) {
669 				Column col = getMethod.getAnnotation(Column.class);
670 				dbColumn =;
671 			} else if (getMethod != null && getMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)) {
672 				isTransient = true;
673 			}
674 		} catch (Exception e) {
675 			logger.warn(e.getMessage());
676 		}
677 		if (!isTransient && dbColumn == null) {
678 			try {
679 				// 检查filed是否配置了@Column
680 				java.lang.reflect.Field classField = poClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
681 				if (classField != null && classField.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) {
682 					Column col = classField.getAnnotation(Column.class);
683 					dbColumn =;
684 				} else if (classField != null && classField.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)) {
685 					isTransient = true;
686 				}
687 			} catch (Exception e) {
688 				logger.warn(e.getMessage());
689 			}
690 		}
691 		if (!isTransient && dbColumn == null) {
692 			// 检查set方法是否配置了@Column
693 			java.lang.reflect.Field classField = null;
694 			try {
695 				try {
696 					classField = poClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
697 				} catch (Exception e) {
698 					classField = poClass.getField(fieldName);
699 				}
700 				String setMethodName = "set" + fieldName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + fieldName.substring(1);
701 				Method setMethod = poClass.getMethod(setMethodName, new Class<?>[] { classField.getType() });
702 				if (setMethod != null && setMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Column.class)) {
703 					Column col = setMethod.getAnnotation(Column.class);
704 					dbColumn =;
705 				} else if (setMethod != null && setMethod.isAnnotationPresent(Transient.class)) {
706 					isTransient = true;
707 				}
708 			} catch (Exception e) {
709 				e.printStackTrace();
710 			}
711 		}
713 		if (dbColumn != null) {
714 			return getTableAlias(poClass) + "." + dbColumn;
715 		} else if (isTransient) {
716 			throw new TransientException(poClass.getName() + "is setted @Transient");
717 		} else {
718 			throw new RuntimeException("can't parse database column name for " + poClass.getName() + "'s " + fieldName);
719 		}
720 	}
722 	private String getTableAlias(Class<?> table) {
723 		String alias = null;
724 		String key = table.getName();
725 		if (tableAliases.containsKey(key)) {
726 			alias = tableAliases.get(key);
727 		} else {
728 			alias = ClassHelper.getNameWithoutPackage(table) + "0_";
729 			tableAliases.put(key, alias);
730 		}
732 		return alias;
733 	}
735 	private String generateHqlFromPO(Map<String, Object> params, Class<?> poClass, Dialect dialect) {
736 		String orderby = (String) params.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_ORDERBY);// 需要在清理固定参数之前获取
737 		StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer();
738 		hql.append(" from " + poClass.getName());
740 		List<String> fields = ClassHelper.getFieldNames(poClass);
741 		Set<String> keys = params.keySet();
742 		String opera, value, operaSymble, passedKeys;
743 		Object valueObject;
744 		StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer();
745 		for (String key : keys) {
746 			// 参数名称约定以"_"开头
747 			if (key.startsWith("_")) {
748 				passedKeys = key.substring(1);
749 			} else {
750 				continue;
751 			}
752 			valueObject = params.get(key);
753 			value = getParamValue(valueObject);
754 			// 如果为空忽略(null、notnull可以为空)
755 			if (key.endsWith("_null") || key.endsWith("_notnull") || null != value && !"".equals(value)) {
756 				opera = "=";
758 				if (key.equals("_block")) {
759 					if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
760 						whereClause.append(" and ");
761 					}
762 					whereClause.append("(").append(getParamValue(params.get(key))).append(")");
763 					continue;
764 				}
766 				if (passedKeys.indexOf("_") != -1) {
767 					operaSymble = passedKeys.substring(passedKeys.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
768 					opera = operas.get(operaSymble);
769 					if (opera == null) {
770 						throw new RuntimeException("invalid opera in '" + key + "'");
771 					}
772 					passedKeys = passedKeys.substring(0, passedKeys.lastIndexOf("_"));
773 				}
774 				if (("like".equals(opera) && value.equals(""))
775 						|| (value.indexOf("%") != -1 && (value.equals("%%") || value.equals("%") || value.equals("%null%")))) {
776 					continue;
777 				}
779 				// 处理检索条件的特殊字符 
780 				/*value = checkBadWord(value);
781 				if(value==null || StringUtils.isEmpty(value.trim()))
782 					continue;*/
783 				String fieldClause = dealFieldForPo(fields, poClass, dialect, opera, value, key, passedKeys);
784 				if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(fieldClause)) {
785 					// 多个条件使用"and"连接
786 					if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
787 						whereClause.append(" and ");
788 					}
789 					whereClause.append(fieldClause);
790 				}
792 			}
793 		}
794 		if (whereClause.length() > 0) {
795 			hql.append(" where ").append(whereClause);
796 		}
798 		// 排序
799 		if (null != orderby && !"".equals(orderby)) {
800 			hql.append(" order by ").append(orderby);
801 		}
802 		return hql.toString();
803 	}
805 	private String dealFieldForPo(List<String> fields, Class<?> poClass, Dialect dialect, String opera, String value, String key, String passedKeys) {
806 		StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder();
807 		Field fieldObj;
808 		Class<?> fieldType;
809 		String field, passedKey;
810 		String[] splitedKeys = passedKeys.split("#");
811 		if (splitedKeys.length > 1) {
812 			whereClause.append("(");
813 		}
814 		for (int i = 0; i < splitedKeys.length; i++) {
815 			if (i > 0) {
816 				whereClause.append(" or ");
817 			}
818 			passedKey = splitedKeys[i];
819 			if (fields.contains(passedKey)) {
820 				field = passedKey;
821 			} else {// 域名错误,检查并自动纠正
822 				field = ClassHelper.getFieldNameIgnoreCase(poClass, passedKey);
823 				if (field != null) {
824"the filed[" + passedKey + "] should be '" + field + "',it's corrected by system");
825 				} else {// 错误的域,跳过不处理
826 					logger.warn("invalid field[" + passedKey + "]. it's ignored. please check it.");
827 					return "";
828 				}
829 			}
830 			if ("like".equals(opera) || value.startsWith("%") || value.endsWith("%")) {
831 				if (!opera.equals("like")) {
832 					opera = "like";
833 				}
834 				if (value.indexOf("%") == -1) {
835 					value = "%" + value + "%";
836 				}
837 				whereClause.append(field).append(" ").append(opera).append(" '").append(value).append("'");
838 			} else if ("or".equals(opera)) {
839 				String[] values = value.split("\\|\\|");
840 				whereClause.append("(");
841 				int in = 0;
842 				for (String singal : values) {
843 					if (in++ > 0) {
844 						whereClause.append(" ").append(opera).append(" ");
845 					}
846 					if ("".equals(singal)) {
847 						whereClause.append(field).append(" is null");
848 					} else if (("null").equalsIgnoreCase(singal) || ("not null").equalsIgnoreCase(singal)) {
849 						whereClause.append(field).append(" is ").append(singal);
850 					} else {
851 						whereClause.append(field).append(" = ").append(singal);
852 					}
853 				}
854 				whereClause.append(")");
855 			} else if ("in".equals(opera) || "not in".equals(opera)) {
856 				whereClause.append(field).append(" ").append(opera).append(" (").append(value).append(")");
857 			} else if ("is null".equals(opera) || "is not null".equals(opera)) {
858 				whereClause.append(field).append(" ").append(opera);
859 			} else {
860 				fieldObj = ClassHelper.getField(poClass, field);
861 				fieldType = fieldObj.getType();
862 				if (fieldType == java.util.Date.class || fieldType == java.sql.Date.class) {
863 					Map<?, ?> functions = dialect.getFunctions();
864 					if (functions.containsKey("to_char")) {
865 						whereClause.append("to_char(").append(field).append(",'" + getDateFormatForOracle(value) + "') ");
866 						whereClause.append(opera).append(" '").append(value).append("'");
867 					} else if (functions.containsKey("date_format")) {
868 						whereClause.append(field).append(opera).append("date_format('").append(value).append(
869 								"','" + getDateFormatForMysql(value) + "')");
870 					}
871 				} else {
872 					whereClause.append(field).append(" ").append(opera).append(" :").append(key);
873 				}
874 			}
875 		}
876 		if (splitedKeys.length > 1) {
877 			whereClause.append(")");
878 		}
879 		return whereClause.toString();
880 	}
882 	/**
883 	 * 将queryParams中的参数以url参数格式返回,格式为name1=value1&name2=value2
884 	 * @param queryParams  查询参数
885 	 * @return String
886 	 */
887 	public static String getQueryParamsAsUrlString(Map<String, Object> queryParams) {
888 		StringBuffer urlStr = new StringBuffer();
889 		if (queryParams.containsKey(QuerySupport.PARAM_SOURCE_MAP)) {
890 			Map<String, Object> temp = (Map<String, Object>) queryParams.get(QuerySupport.PARAM_SOURCE_MAP);
891 			String key;
892 			for (Entry<String, Object> entry : temp.entrySet()) {
893 				key = entry.getKey();
894 				if (key.startsWith(QuerySupport.PARAM_PAGE) || key.equals(QuerySupport.PARAM_PAGESIZE)) {// 检索参数约定以"_"开始,排序除外
895 					continue;
896 				}else{
897 					trancateValueForUrl(entry, urlStr);
898 				}
899 			}
900 		} else {
901 			String key;
902 			for (Entry<String, Object> entry : queryParams.entrySet()) {
903 				key = entry.getKey();
904 				if (!key.startsWith("_") && !key.equals(QuerySupport.PARAM_ORDERBY)) {// 检索参数约定以"_"开始,排序除外
905 					continue;
906 				}else{
907 					trancateValueForUrl(entry, urlStr);
908 				}
909 			}
910 		}
912 		return urlStr.toString();
913 	}
915 	private static void trancateValueForUrl(Entry<String, Object> entry, StringBuffer urlStr) {
916 		String key = entry.getKey();
917 		Object value = entry.getValue();
919 		if (urlStr.length() > 0) {
920 			urlStr.append("&");
921 		}
923 		try {
924 			if (value instanceof String) {
925 				urlStr.append(key).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode((String) value, "utf-8"));
926 			} else if (value instanceof String[]) {
927 				String[] values = (String[]) value;
928 				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
929 					if (urlStr.length() > 0) {
930 						urlStr.append("&");
931 					}
932 					urlStr.append(key).append("=").append(URLEncoder.encode(values[i], "utf-8"));
933 				}
934 			} else if (null != value) {
935 				urlStr.append(key).append("=");
936 				urlStr.append(URLEncoder.encode(value.toString(), "utf-8"));
937 			}
938 		} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
939 			urlStr.append(value.toString());
940 		} catch (Exception e) {
941 			e.printStackTrace();
942 		}
943 	}
945 	/**
946 	 * 过滤sql查询条件中的特殊字符 
947 	 */
948 	private String checkBadWord(String str) {
949 		if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str))
950 			return str;
951 		for (int i = 0; i < patternFilter.length; i++) {
952 			str = str.replaceAll("(?i)" + patternFilter[i].toString(), "");
953 		}
954 		return str;
955 	}
956 }